Enjoy being independent in a fully furnished and equipped individual studio, whilst encountering the local French and international student community!
A stay in complete freedom, which is ideal for short periods.
The extended-stay hotel allows you to stay in a fully furnished and equipped studio. With the option of choosing the additional options that interest you, just like in a hotel. You can choose from residences that range from 2 to 4 stars, depending on your desired comfort and your budget!
Langue Onze Toulouse provides the option to reserve a studio in our high-quality student and young professional residences at a favourable rate.
LANGUE ONZE TOULOUSE is a school which is a part of the ‘Keep Learning French‘ group.
Découvrez nos autres écoles :
IFAlpes – Annecy
LSF – Montpellier
Lyon Bleu International
Newdeal Institut – Bordeaux