This is attained from a quality assurance process initiated by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, the Ministry of Culture, and the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. The label is aimed at identifying, recognizing, and promoting French as a foreign language schools whose teaching and services provide quality assurances.
Continuously having the title of the Quality Label FLE since 2009, is an official acknowledgement of the quality of the teaching and all the services offered by our school. In 2017, the school received the highest possible rating (3 stars) in all 5 assessed areas: training, teaching; teachers; reception; support; facilities, safety, equipment; management. In 2021, the school achieved dual accreditation with both the Quality FLE Label and QUALIOPI from France Education International.
Langue Onze Toulouse is also a member of Campus France, a French Agency which promotes higher education, reception, and international mobility.
Regarding this, our school predominantly welcomes students on long stays who endeavour to learn French to enrol in a higher education institution in France later on in their education.
Langue Onze Toulouse is officially accredited by France Education International to conduct the DELF, DALF, and TCF exams.
Under the supervision of the Ministry of National Education and Youth, France Education International operates in the fields of international cooperation for education and training, linguistic evaluation, teaching French worldwide, and international mobility.
Langue Onze Toulouse participates in schemes carried out within the European ERASMUS+ program, to support training, mobility, and lifelong learning for those who participate.
Organization number of Langue Onze Toulouse: E10123227
Langue Onze Toulouse is also accredited by Bildungsurlaub for the German states of Berlin, Hamburg, and Hesse. This enables German employees to learn French in Toulouse during educational leave.
The Central Swedish Board for Student Finance (Centrala studiestödsnämnden or CSN) is the Swedish government agency responsible for administering student financial aid, including loans and study grants.
Langue Onze Toulouse also welcomes Swedish students who receive financial support from CSN (the Central Swedish Board for Student Finance).
Langueonze Toulouse is registered as a Professional Training Organization with the Haute-Garonne Prefecture under the number: 73 31 04451 31.
Langue Onze Toulouse is a member of the FLE Group, which is formed from 42 French language schools in 29 cities across France. All of these schools provide a guarantee of quality services to students, professionals, or enthusiasts of the French language.
In addition to promoting its schools, the FLE Group offers its members the opportunity to share administrative and pedagogical expertise. This enables each of the schools to enhance and continuously commit to their quality.
The INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF FRENCH TEACHERS (FIFP) is a non-governmental international organization established in 1969. It is recognized for the role it plays in promoting and spreading the French language worldwide.
With 180 associations, 6 national federations, and nearly 80,000 active volunteer members in 140 countries, the FIPF plays a significant role in serving the global community of French teachers and the Francophonie.
LANGUE ONZE TOULOUSE is a school which is a part of the ‘Keep Learning French‘ group.
Découvrez nos autres écoles :
IFAlpes – Annecy
LSF – Montpellier
Lyon Bleu International
Newdeal Institut – Bordeaux